
Row Data Packet

* The types are explicity for learning purpose
* By extending the `RowDataPacket`, you can use your Interface in `query` and `execute`

import mysql, {
} from 'mysql2/promise';

interface User extends RowDataPacket {
id: number;
name: string;

(async () => {
const access: ConnectionOptions = {
host: '',
user: '',
password: '',
database: '',

const conn = await mysql.createConnection(access);

/** Deleting the `users` table, if it exists */
await conn.query<ResultSetHeader>('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `users`;');

/** Creating a minimal user table */
await conn.query<ResultSetHeader>(
'CREATE TABLE `users` (`id` INT(11) AUTO_INCREMENT, `name` VARCHAR(50), PRIMARY KEY (`id`));'

/** Inserting some users */
const [inserted] = await conn.execute<ResultSetHeader>(
'INSERT INTO `users`(`name`) VALUES(?), (?), (?), (?);',
['Josh', 'John', 'Marie', 'Gween']

console.log('Inserted:', inserted.affectedRows);

/** Getting users */
const [users] = await conn.query<User[]>(
'SELECT * FROM `users` ORDER BY `name` ASC;'

users.forEach((user) => {
console.log('id: ', user.id);
console.log('name:', user.name);

await conn.end();

/** Output
* Inserted: 4
* -----------
* id: 4
* name: Gween
* -----------
* id: 2
* name: John
* -----------
* id: 1
* name: Josh
* -----------
* id: 3
* name: Marie